Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 12, 2013

Steamed Young Tofu with Century Eggs Recipe (Đậu Hũ Non Hấp Trứng Bách Thảo)

Do you know anything about century egg? Have you ever tasted it before? From many Easy Vietnamese Recipes, today I will show a new way to combine egg and tofu together. It is called Steamed Young Tofu with Century Eggs (Đậu Hũ Non Hấp Trứng Bách Thảo). Let us discover it, ok?

Steamed Young Tofu with Century Eggs Recipe (Đậu Hũ Non Hấp Trứng Bách Thảo)
Steamed Young Tofu with Century Eggs (Đậu Hũ Non Hấp Trứng Bách Thảo)
Its flavor is quite strange from the first tasting time. However, you will addict it soon and it will be one of your flavor dishes all time. If you are wondering about how to make one f Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this, why don’t follow my instruction below?


200g dried shrimps or grinded pork
200g young tofu
2 century eggs
1 chicken egg
1 yolk
Salt, fish sauce, Maggie Seasoning Powder, spring onion, pepper and purple onion.


Step 1: Clean well dried shrimps and soak into water in 5 – 10 minutes, grind well.

Steamed Young Tofu with Century Eggs Recipe (Đậu Hũ Non Hấp Trứng Bách Thảo)

Get more details at Steamed Young Tofu with Century Eggs Recipe (Đậu Hũ Non Hấp Trứng Bách Thảo)


Grilled Souffle Cake Recipe (Bánh Souffle Nướng)

With a little change, you can create one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes. Today, I would like to introduce to you an amazing cake which is called Grilled Souffle Cake (Bánh Souffle Nướng).

Grilled Souffle Cake Recipe (Bánh Souffle Nướng)
Grilled Souffle Cake Recipe (Bánh Souffle Nướng)
Have you ever wondered about how to make Grilled Souffle Cake (Bánh Souffle Nướng) before? Souffle cake is smooth and soft. Eating in cold days like this season is never a bad choice. Do you agree with me? Let us follow my instruction below to create one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes for your family and friends right now.


40g whole wheat flour
40g melted butter (no salt)
130ml fresh milk (no sugar)
50g icing sugar (separate into 2 equal parts)
2 yolks of chicken eggs
3 white parts of chicken eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla starch
¼ teaspoon salt
4 grilling glasses


Step 1: Use a little melted butter and spread around bottom of grilling glasses. Then, adding a little whole wheat flour to make sure cake will not be stuck on patterns.

Grilled Souffle Cake Recipe (Bánh Souffle Nướng)

Get this recipe more at Grilled Souffle Cake Recipe (Bánh Souffle Nướng)


Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Eggplant Recipe (Mề Gà Xào Cà Tím)

From many delicious Vietnamese Chicken Recipes, we cannot miss one dish which can be thought is one of popular food in Vietnam. It is called Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Eggplant (Mề Gà Xào Cà Tím).

Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Eggplant Recipe (Mề Gà Xào Cà Tím)
Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Eggplant (Mề Gà Xào Cà Tím)
Bonus for your family menu with one of stunning Vietnamese Chicken Recipes like this one is a good choice. You can serve with steamed rice and many easy ingredients for finding. Now let us start practicing together ok?


400g chicken gizzard
1 eggplant
½ onion
Spring onion, purple onion, salt, oyster oil, fish sauce, sugar, Maggi Seasoning Power.


Step 1: Clean well chicken gizzard with water added a little salt. Then, slice into medium pieces. Marinate with a little pepper, sliced purple onion, ½ teaspoon salt and mix well. Wait in 20 – 30 minutes.

Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Eggplant Recipe (Mề Gà Xào Cà Tím)

Get this recipe at Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Eggplant Recipe (Mề Gà Xào Cà Tím)
